Carberry Tower Wedding

As an Edinburgh-based luxury wedding photographer with a passion for capturing the essence of love stories, few occasions rival the enchantment of a destination wedding in Scotland. Recently, I had the privilege of documenting the union of a Scottish lass and her Mexican beloved amidst the timeless charm of Carberry Tower in Musselburgh.

The day unfolded with the serendiptous Scottish sun illuminating every moment of the day. Guests traveled from afar, all the way from Mexico, to share in the couple's happiness. Amidst the picturesque setting, one unforgettable highlight was capturing a bottle of Tequila, revealing a taste of the couple's vibrant heritage and traditions.

As the day transitioned into evening, the festivities continued with lively salsa beats mingling with pop melodies, ensuring every guest danced the night away. Yet, amidst the revelry, the ceremony held moments of tender emotion as tears glistened in the eyes of the couple exchanging heartfelt vows.

It was a privilege to be their Edinburgh wedding photographer, documenting not just moments, but memories to be cherished for a lifetime. This Carberry Tower wedding was a fusion of cultures, love, and unforgettable moments, embodying the essence of a true destination wedding in Scotland.